From pressy's brainbackup
service management facility
SMF manifest
I've done this for a SAP costumer, optional apache installation:
# mkdir /var/svc/manifest/application/sap # cd /var/svc/manifest/application/ # vi sapapache.xml ################################################### <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE service_bundle SYSTEM "/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1"> <service_bundle type='manifest' name='sapapache'> <service name='application/sap/sapapache' type='service' version='1'> <create_default_instance enabled="true"/> <single_instance /> <dependency name='filesystem' grouping='require_all' restart_on='none' type='service'> <service_fmri value='svc:/system/filesystem/local' /> </dependency> <exec_method type='method' name='start' exec='/usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start' timeout_seconds='120' /> <exec_method type='method' name='stop' exec='/usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl stop' timeout_seconds='120' /> <exec_method type='method' name='restart' exec='/usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl restart' timeout_seconds='120' /> <stability value='Unstable' /> <template> <common_name> <loctext xml:lang='C'>SAP Apache2 64bit</loctext> </common_name> <documentation> <manpage title='httpd' section='8'/> </documentation> </template> </service> </service_bundle> ###################### EOF ######################
Verify the validity of the xml file (command should run with no errors)
# svccfg -v validate sapapache.xml
If you get a cryptic parse error you can try running the following to track it down
# xmllint --valid sapapache.xml
No error, now we can import it
# svccfg -v import sapapache.xml
Go Go Go
# svcs -v sapapache # svcadm enable sapapach