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Just came around this issue....

root@psvsparc2:~# svcadm enable vntsd
root@psvsparc2:~# svcs -xv
svc:/ldoms/ldmd:default (Logical Domains Manager)
 State: maintenance since Fri Dec 04 19:04:05 2015
Reason: Start method exited with $SMF_EXIT_ERR_CONFIG.
   See: http://support.oracle.com/msg/SMF-8000-KS
   See: /var/svc/log/ldoms-ldmd:default.log
Impact: This service is not running.
root@psvsparc2:~# tail -3  /var/svc/log/ldoms-ldmd:default.log
[ Dec  4 18:13:47 Executing start method ("/opt/SUNWldm/bin/ldmd_start"). ]
SMF service 'svc:/ldoms/agents:default' is not online.
[ Dec  4 18:13:48 Method "start" exited with status 96. ]
root@psvsparc2:~# svcs -l /ldoms/agents
fmri         svc:/ldoms/agents:default
name         Logical Domains agents service
enabled      false (temporary)
state        disabled
next_state   none
state_time   Fri Dec 04 19:03:33 2015
logfile      /var/svc/log/ldoms-agents:default.log
restarter    svc:/system/svc/restarter:default
contract_id  34
manifest     /lib/svc/manifest/platform/sun4v/ldoms-agents.xml
dependency   require_all/none svc:/system/filesystem/minimal (online)
root@psvsparc2:~# cat  /var/svc/log/ldoms-agents:default.log
[ Dec  4 19:03:32 "start" method requested temporary disable: "The Logical Domains agents service has been disabled because the system has no virtual domain service (vlds) device"


After some search I found an explanation on MOS. This comes because my old box used ldom 1.1 before and this solaris 11.3 ldom 3 is looking for a device that is not in the old sp-config.

That workaround helped me:

comment out the following line in /opt/SUNWldm/bin/ldmd_start

# check_service_is_online "svc:/ldoms/agents:default"

start the service svc:/ldoms/ldmd:default:

# svcadm clear svc:/ldoms/ldmd:default

saving a new "ldom3" config on your SP

# ldm add-config <config>

uncomment the script again /opt/SUNWldm/bin/ldmd_start:

check_service_is_online "svc:/ldoms/agents:default"

shutdown everything and power cycle the system:

-> stop /SYS
-> start /SYS

Boot up again and for me it worked: 
root@psvsparc2:~# ldm add-vconscon port-range=5000-5100 primary-console primary
root@psvsparc2:~# svcadm enable ldoms/vntsd
root@psvsparc2:~# svcs -a | grep ldom
online         19:29:51 svc:/ldoms/agents:default
online         19:30:19 svc:/ldoms/ldmd_dir:default
online         19:30:22 svc:/ldoms/ldmd:default
online         19:34:02 svc:/ldoms/vntsd:default